In a world where social media, movies, podcasts, magazines, etc., are constantly telling you how you should look/feel, how much money you should be making, and what your relationship status should be, we know it can be easy to play the comparison game. It’s easy to look at your life and think you’re missing out. You’re not alone in thinking this! However, we want to remind you of 5 things that don’t determine your worth.

1. Cultural Milestones

It’s okay if your family, friends, and influencers you follow on social media have traveled the world, already gotten married, have kids, or have their dream career, house, and car. It can be hard and make you feel as if you’re stuck or “behind.” Remember, everyone is different, and everyone’s timeline looks different. That’s okay! Your worth is not measured by accomplishing these things by a certain age!

2. Your Body, Size, and Weight

We live in a time where everyone is highlighting a new diet: the keto diet, Mediterranean diet, Whole30, plant-based diet, etc. Influencers tell you what size pants you should be wearing and that you should work out more if you aren’t in that size. But everyone has a different body type and things they don’t like about themselves. Oftentimes, the things we don’t like about ourselves are the very things someone else loves and/or wants. You are uniquely you. Embrace it!

3. Trauma

I think it’s safe to say we all have things in our past that haunt us—painful moments we wish we could forget. The question is: Are you going to let those moments define you, or will you let them refine you? Moving forward is possible! You can change! There’s forgiveness in Christ, and with His help, you can find healing. We all have a story to tell, and you are not less than because of your past. If one of those things in your past is an abortion and it has caused you pain, and regret, and made you feel unworthy, we would love nothing more than to show you that there is more to your story. You can embrace grace! Please reach out to us if you need someone to talk to. All of our services are free, and conversations are confidential.

4. Relationship Status

Whether you are single, recently divorced, or feeling like you should be engaged or married by now, your value is not dependent on your relationship status. Try not to fall into the trap of settling for anyone just to have someone. You are worthy of selfless love. You will be so glad you waited! Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve.

5. An Unexpected Pregnancy

You may have just found out you’re pregnant. You saw the two pink lines and thought, “This wasn’t supposed to happen. What do I do now?” Do you feel like you’ve failed and that there’s no way forward from here? Is shame hovering over you, making you feel unworthy and broken?

We want you to know that it’s okay if you are feeling several different emotions and you’re not sure who to turn to. We know it can feel isolating, but we want to be there for you. You have options, and we are here to listen, support, and encourage you. Your worth and value are not defined by an unplanned pregnancy. Your story is far from finished.

And if you need compassionate care, resources, answers, and empowering pregnancy options, make an appointment today.

Please reach out to us and kick shame out the door!


Don’t let other people’s opinions about your life, body, relationship status, and past determine how you see yourself. You are valued and loved just the way you are.