Facts on the Abortion Pill
The abortion pill (chemical abortion) consists of two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol or methotrexate. Mifepristone is the first one taken, and it blocks the effects of progesterone which is necessary for the fetus to grow.
How To Tell Your Partner You're Pregnant
If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be nervous to tell your partner. We completely understand that it can be scary discovering unexpectedly that you are pregnant. Here is some advice to help you navigate through this situation.
How to Navigate the Holidays with an Unexpected Pregnancy
Navigating an unexpected pregnancy around the holidays may cause you to experience mixed emotions. These complex feelings can grow, especially if this new pregnancy wasn’t originally a part of your plans.
The Importance of scheduling an Ultrasound
An ultrasound is important because it can confirm a viable pregnancy and indicate how far along you are by using measurements to estimate the gestational age of the fetus.
We Offer Free Parenting Classes
At Cecil Pregnancy and Family Resource Center, we offer free parenting, pregnancy, discipleship, life skills, and infant/toddler-related classes. By taking these classes, you can earn Baby Bucks.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Wondering about pregnancy symptoms beyond a missed period? Unsure where to find answers? We have got you covered! Here are 5 early signs that you might be pregnant. Please note:
5 Things That Don’t Determine Your Worth
In a world where social media, movies, podcasts, magazines, etc., are constantly telling you how you should look/feel, how much money you should be making, and what your relationship status